Thanks to host Chris Parson at Delivering Ecommerce for featuring GELF in this interview with GELF Co-founder Kent Allen.
If you’re curious about the early days on ecommerce – and the origins of the Global Ecommerce Leaders Forum (GELF) – have a listen about GELF’s founding in a dark whiskey bar in Tribeca in 2014 – and the delicious Nutella Pizza at the first GELF NYC ’14 that Chris had more than his fair share of.
Please join us at GELF NYC ’21 on September 28-29th where we will be co-locating with the CommerceNext team at the Sheraton New York Times Square – retailers and brands selling direct-to-consumer can register here
Stay tuned to what’s next for GELF as we head into Fall. GELF LA 2022 is a go for mid February so we’re really looking forward to getting back to West Hollywood and the Director’s Guide of America theater.
Until next time!